Tips for Tripawd Cat Trees
Can cat amputees climb? These Tripawd cat stairs and steps tips from community members prove that yes, they sure can!
Can cat amputees climb? These Tripawd cat stairs and steps tips from community members prove that yes, they sure can!
These sturdy pet stairs for Tripawd cats and dogs (and quadpawds too!) help your three-legged hero get safely onto the bed and other furniture.
When you have stairs and a Tripawd, this is what you need to do to keep your dog or cat safe from slipping during amputation recovery and beyond.
Don’t panic if you need to help your Tripawd on stairs, these tips will keep your dog or cat safe after amputation surgery recovery is over.
Stair training safety tips for Tripawds! When your pet loses a leg it’s time to make some retrofits around the house. Try these DIY steps and ramps with training tips to keep three legged dogs and cats safe.