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Easy DIY Pet Surgery Recovery Suit Ideas for Cats and Dogs

Dog and cat bandaging for amputation surgery recovery is tricky. Many new pet surgery recovery suits make amputation healing easier. Unfortunately most don’t have adequate coverage around the legs to prevent the dog or cat from messing with their amputation incision stitches. Thankfully Koda’s people shared this easy and affordable DIY pet surgery recovery suit idea:

DIY pet recovery suit
Koda’s vet is so smart!

For new dog amputees, here’s what Koda’s human advised:

We were using baby diapers with first aid tape and then wrapping it with vet wrap. It was hard to do, especially in the beginning.

While at the vets for a wound check and drain removal, our vet went to use an adult disposable diaper (pull-up style) as a bandage.

Koda’s vet put the DIY pet surgery recovery suit “diaper” on him like this:

  • First, slide the dog’s remaining leg through the leg hole on the corresponding side,
  • Pull the diaper waist band over the dog’s head.
  • Put the pup’s head through the other leg hole.
  • Wrap with gauze.

“Viola! A bandaged dog with the open drain area completely and securely covered. We also found putting a childs t-shirt on him kept him from trying to rip the bandages off without resorting to the cone collar. I can’t begin to tell you how much easier this is than the traditional tape and wrap bandage. I wish we came up with it earlier.

For cat amputees, children’s toilet training underwear can probably do the same thing, although only for large Tripawd cats.

DIY pet recovery suit
Try children’s toilet training pants for cats.

We haven’t tried to make a DIY pet surgery recovery suit with children’s toilet training pants, but if you do let us know how it works.

For smaller kitties, a premie baby onesie can do the same thing, minus the absorption power of a diaper. Check out the cool mods Holly made for Purkins’ pet surgery recovery suits. This is just adorable!

DIY pet surgery recovery suit
Don’t you just want to snuggle with Purrkins? We do!

Remember, keep careful watch on the incision area. It’s covered but things are still happening there. Here’s what to expect with amputation incision healing.

Meanwhile if you have the type of dog or cat who always seems to wind up in the surgery ward of your vet clinic, you might want to try this brand of pet recovery suits. These three might work well for post-amputation Tripawds, but we’ll rely on your feedback so please let us know:

Suitical Cat Recovery Suit

DIY pet surgery recovery suit
This is one tough looking recovering cat!

Suitical Dog Recovery Suit

DIY pet surgery recovery suit
Your dog will look adorable!

More Reading

Amputation Wound Care for Post-Surgery Dogs and Cats

How To Change Tie-over Bandage On Dogs




10 thoughts on “Easy DIY Pet Surgery Recovery Suit Ideas for Cats and Dogs”

  1. I tried two different sizes of a baby onesie for Little, both were a fail. It was full on goldilocks and the three bears here — first one (18mos) was waaayyy to big and she was out of it in 3 minutes. Second (6mos) was waaayyy too small and it pretty much strangled her. I watched a how to on YouTube and the concept is great for a rear amputation if you stitch up the coordinating armhole. Little is just crazy long and lean and even with a cone of shame on tight, she can still reach her wound. I am crafty but only with yarn which is not ideal for wound care.

  2. Hello my dog got hit by a car and he has to get his right back leg amputated I don’t want to spend 100s of dollars on a recovery suit can you help me find a diy for it or a cheep cheep suit

    • So sorry to hear about your dog Haley. We hope the recovery is easy and quick. The least expensive thing to do in your situation is to use the cone of shame your vet gives you, and DO NOT take it off for any reason except maybe eating and drinking water, while you are watching him like a hawk. Otherwise you can try these DIY recovery suit ideas.

    • Hi Barbara, yes it can work on small dogs and even cats. The only way to find out what size is to measure the length of your dog against the length of an average newborn infant and look up that onesie size for the manufacturer. Or you can make things easy on yourself and buy a VetMedWear Recovery Suit instead 😉


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