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How to Find Rehab Therapy for Three Legged Dogs and Cats

Rehab (or physio) therapy helps Tripawds get strong and stay injury-free. The best part is that it’s not hard to find rehab therapy for three-legged dogs and cats, if you know where to look. Here’s how to get started finding a great practice for your amputee hero.

Why Rehab Therapy for Tripawds is Important

Rehab for Tripawd Ranger
See how senior Tripawd dog Ranger benefitted from rehab therapy.

Pets can benefit from rehabilitation therapy just like people do. Even just one visit with a credentialed therapist can help you help your Tripawd:

  • Avoid injury
  • Alleviate aches and pains
  • Develop better balance and
  • Improve stamina

You can also learn how to help your Tripawd lose weight if they need to, and what kind of arthritis supplements may be helpful too.

A good therapist is so important for a three-legged dog or cat! The wrong kind of exercise after amputation surgery can be helpful or harmful. By starting a rehab therapy program, you can learn which type of exercise is safe for your dog or cat.

“But the vet said my Tripawd doesn’t need rehab therapy.”

Rehab therapy is as valuable for pet parents as it is for the Tripawd, because it teaches how to prevent common injuries in Tripawds.

Unfortunately not enough vets know this because they haven’t been trained in this field. That’s why programs like the Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab exist, which pays for the first visit of any Tripawd dog or cat so pet parents can see for themselves how helpful it can be (and hopefully tell their vets about it!).

By seeing a certified expert, trained in veterinary rehab therapy, a Tripawd parent gets:

  • Explanation and a hands-on demonstration of appropriate activities
  • A prescribed regimen of exercises and stretches designed just for your dog or cat
  • Professional recommendations about weight management and supplements
  • Suggestions for helpful canine conditioning equipment or items you can use around the house
tripawds dog amputation book
Get the best tips about health and exercise for amputee dogs.

How to find rehab therapy for three legged dogs and cats.

exercise gear for amputee dogs
Shop for your exercise gear and help the Tripawds community too!


And consider buying Tripawds exercise gear from the Tripawds Gear Shop to help support the community!

amputee pets exercise gear
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What if you can’t find a rehab therapist for your pet?

First, reach out to us. We can often find rehab therapy for three-legged dogs and cats when their parents think none exists near them.

But if our efforts fail to find a therapist for your Tripawd dog, don’t worry! The new Tripawd Rehab Home Exercise Program Gets Your Dog Fit!
The new DIY home rehab program for Tripawd dogs!

Canine Rehab on Demand for Tripawds:

Watch our Canine Rehab On Demand program tour and interview on Tripawd Talk Radio below or listen here on your favorite podcast app. 

When it comes to amputee cats, we don’t have a home rehab program available yet, but one is coming soon. Until then, be sure to check out Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats for lots of health and exercise tips you can do on your own!

Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats Health and Fitness
Get Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats Health and Fitness

Even one consultation and evaluation can make a huge difference in your Tripawd’s life!

maggie moo fund for tripawd rehab

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