When a Tripawd loses a leg, there’s no reason why strolls around the neighborhood have to stop. But those distances your Tripawd walked are probably too far for her now that she’s on three. So instead of asking your Tripawd to go too far than is safe or reasonable, just have her hop onto the party bus doggy stroller, Tripawds everywhere love ’em!
The Doggy Stroller Tripawds Love
Pet strollers are the best way to help our three-legged heroes continue with life as they knew it. Only now it’s even better because they have their own chauffeur! Gizmo recently hired his mom to drive him around town, after she purchased a Booyah Dog Stroller, aka “Gizmo’s Party Bus.”
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Well, we finally found a suitable mode of transportation for Gizmo. It’s made by a company called Booyah & so far we LOVE THIS STROLLER! It was fairly easy to assemble & has a very smooth ride (even when going through our grassy field). It can be taken apart & put in the back of a vehicle for traveling. Holds up to 88lbs. Gizmo has turned into a full tilt diva & insists that I push him a 100 miles a day.
Not all doggy strollers are created alike. Some are sturdier than others and can handle the weight of larger dogs. The Booyah bike trailer dog stroller Gizmo is riding in is one of the sturdiest around.
- Wheel is set back so there is no “tipping.â€
- Full suspension with front and rear entrances
- Adjustable handlebar, lockable swivel wheel
- Bike trailer arm and hitch that swings out from underneath
- Lockable handbrake, 3 layer sunroof, and aluminum wheels with beefy tires.
- This is the large size pet stroller and trailer for large dogs 88 lbs or less. (Not all dogs will fit in this trailer.)
- Dimensions: Inside: 32 L x 24 W x 21 H (Please see that your pet will fit within these inside dimensions.). Outside: 50 L x 33.5 W x 39 H
This is one of the sturdiest dog strollers around, we’re so glad it’s working out for Gizmo!
Have you tried a doggy stroller, Tripawds nation? If so we would love to hear about your experiences. Comment below and let us know which features you love best about yours.
More Doggy Strollers Tripawds Love
Buddy Goes on a Chariot Ride in his Tripawd Dog Stroller
Tripawd Dogs and Cats Go Places with Pet Strollers
Our stroller was the best purchase we could have made! It was worth every cent and allowed us to still have an active outdoor lifestyle and most of all it let Manni still take in all those interesting scents and sceneries even when he couldn’t walk far anymore.
To me the most important features were the swivel wheel which lets you maneuver even a bigger dog easily, the big inflatable wheels and suspension and the fact that it could be taken apart to fit in the car. We also used it as a bike trailer. Our many adventures wouldn’t have been possible without the Mannimobile. And I‘m absolutely sure that all those trips were good for Manni’s mind and soul.
I’d have to agree with you Tina, the Mannimobile HAD to play a major role in his incredible longevity. To continue being included in the world, exploring all the scents and things that made his brain tick, it was powerful medicine. I wish every dog could have their own stroller!
How funny that this has come up just now….I just got a stroller for Kodi – who just turned 14 yrs old a couple days ago. Mine is a little different, but still a 3 wheeler, with inflatable tires. We love it! Now he doesn’t have to stay behind when i take Grizz out for some much-needed exercise.
Our tripawd, Maggie, who weighs 15 pounds, has two strollers. We bought a returned and reconditioned Dogger from Dog Quality for a great price five years ago. We use it a lot, especially on trips with one or both of our dogs. The Dogger is extremely well-made, has inflatable tires and a great suspension, and is comfortable to push on all surfaces during all day outings or daily walks. It comes with a great rain cover that keeps the dogs dry even during a heavy rain. Our Dogger is just like new despite having a lot of mileage often with a combined dog weight of 56 pounds. Con: my husband complains that it can hold way too many antiques plus dogs.
Stroller number 2 is a Pet Gear Special Edition which a friend gave to us after her dog retired from doing pet therapy. It has three wheels so it can be moved very close to walkers or wheelchairs. This style stroller has a flat platform with no metal bar so that Maggie’s entire body is exposed for petting whether she is sitting or lying down. She is easily accessible to patients in wheelchairs without bending down or to patients in hospital beds. Over the past three years, the stroller has been used twice a week for pet therapy and is often used to supplement daily walks as well. It has held up very well.
Thank you Paula and Jane, we love hearing about the experiences others’ have with strollers. It’s such a great way to keep the pack together and out in the world!