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Yes, Three-Legged Cat Rehab Therapy is a Thing!

Exercise isn’t just for dogs. Your Tripawd kitty needs it too! Three-legged cat rehab therapy is ready and waiting. Keep reading to find out how to get cat rehab for free!

Can you “make” a cat exercise?

Nobody can make a cat do anything. But if you ask nicely, and make conditions just right for a kitty, anything is possible! Just check out Purrkins’ cat weight loss success story. His momma Holly once wrote that all it took to get him and his brother Saxton motivated was a sprinkling of bonito flakes onto a balance disc:

“Bonito Flakes? I will get those! Ha, that simple!”

cat rehab therapy
Click to read about Purrkins’ cat weight loss success story!

Too many overweight Tripawd cats don’t get the exercise they need for longer, healthier, and pain-free lives. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Animal rehabilitation therapists are ready to help! These veterinary professionals usually work with dogs, but many also understand how to work with cats.

Lucky’s Tripawd Cat Rehab Therapy Success Story

“I called Care Center and took Lucky to see Elaina Moore, RVT, CCRP on July 14,2020. Elaina was very helpful and gentle with Lucky,” said Tripawds Community member kathie2943. She and Lucky got free cat rehab therapy thanks to the Tripawds Foundation’s Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab.  

cat rehab therapy story
Lucky found the right cat rehab therapist to help him after amputation surgery.

“By the time I saw her Lucky had quit walking backwards and his balance was improving. She treated his leg with laser and demonstrated a passive range of motion exercise for Lucky’s left hind leg. This is to gently flex and extend the left hind leg since the weight and stress is on his left leg since his right leg is amputated.”

Lucky isn’t the only Tripawd cat who has gone to therapy. A few more have taken advantage of the Tripawds Foundation’s Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab, like:  

Free Feline Rehab Tri-kitty Sashya

three legged cat rehab therapy
Sashya the Tripawd cat

“They keep the rehab experience as stress free as possible so tried not to force anything on the “pawtientâ€.”

Feline Rehab Checkup for Cheesecat

Feta Feline Rehab Evaluation

“by feeling particular areas around Feta’s spine, Dr. Fellen was able to figure out areas of discomfort. This is another reason that evaluation by a professional is so important – wouldn’t it be awful to know that your pet had been in pain and you didn’t even know?)”

In the DVM 360 article “Feline physical rehab: 7 tips to reduce stress to boost success,” cat expert Mary Ellen Goldberg, BS, LVT, CVT, SRA, CCRA, CVPP, VTS-physical rehabilitation (OC) tells veterinary professionals “Believe it or not, cats make willing patients for physical rehabilitation therapy if the sessions are kept short and interesting and are held in a quiet, relaxed environment. The rehabilitation plan must be creative, easy to follow and have short intervals for cats.”

Curious about what rehab therapy for cats looks like? Three-legged angel kitty Feta can show you!


balance disc for cats
The FitPAWS Balance Disc is great for cats and dogs!

Here, Caledon Mountain Veterinary Hospital’s RVT Corbie demonstrates Feline Hind Limb Passive Range Of Motion (PROM) exercises.

And this feline physical therapy video shows more cat exercise success!

This kitty isn’t a Tripawd. She had a spinal cord injury. But you can see that with the right therapist, even some cats are willing to do water therapy!

So as you can see, getting a cat to exercise isn’t impossible. You know what motivates your kitty! Take those tricks and then work with the best people to show you how to exercise a cat safely: veterinary rehabilitation therapists! Check out the Tripawds Foundation’s Maggie Moo Fund for Tripawd Rehab to help your three-legged cat get strong and feel good!

Recommended Resources for Three-Legged Cats

Three Games for Tripawd Cat Exercises

Rehabilitation for Cats: Treatments and Benefits, by Four Paws Rehabilitation and Fitness

“Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats†Book is Here to Help

Cool Tips for Tripawd Cats book


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