Little adjustments around your home can greatly improve your Tripawd’s quality of life. The Jovibowl raised feeder is one of them.

We discovered this unique raised feeder for pets when the company, Jovial Pet Products, approached us for a Jovibowl raised feeder product review. Since Tripawds Spokesdog Wyatt Ray loves to eat, we said “Sure!” They sent us a unit to try, and here’s what we learned.
Tripawds Eat Safer with the Jovibowl Raised Feeder
Dogs and cats were designed with four legs to provide steady balance. Eating on the floor is easy when their bodies are young, but when they get older and arthritic, or lose a leg, mealtime becomes challenging.

Raised pet feeders solve this problem for three and four-legged pets. Raising a pet food or water bowl even a few inches off the ground can ease the burden on their bodies. There’s no more hunching over to eat or drink.
The Jovibowl is one of the most unique designs of raised feeders for dogs and cats. The stand height can be custom tailored to your pet’s specific needs.
And while the sleek, modern design looks lightweight, it’s actually quite heavy and well-balanced. Not even a brute like Wyatt could knock it off balance when eating.
Things to Love About the Jovibowl
- A dog or cat wearing a cone of shame can easily eat or drink.
- The slim profile can fit in the smallest of spaces in your home.
- It’s sturdy enough to stay in place while your pet eats.
- The bowl and entire station cleans up easily.
Facts About the Jovibowl
- Removable stainless steel bowl holds approximately 17 fl. Oz / 2 cups of dry food depending on the tilt of the bowl.
- Arm can be elevated as high as 15.5″ off the ground.
- Adjust it as your pet grows. Can also accommodate the temporary needs of your pet such as: use of the dreaded cone of shame or E collars, recovery after surgery or accidents, etc.
Was there anything we didn’t like about the Jovibowl? Honestly, yes. In our opinion, here’s what we think can be improved:
- The Jovibowl elevated feeder requires an Allen wrench (included) to adjust the height of the bowl. We would love to see that changed so the height can be more easily and quickly adjusted with a wing-nut or some similar tightening system.
- We wish the bowl came in different sizes for big dogs like Wyatt.
- And it would be great if the Jovibowl incorporated a slow-feeder design into the product.
Otherwise, we think the Jovibowl elevated feeder is a pretty nifty, modern design for any pets, but especially the three-legged variety!

Learn more and order yours at
That is a cool bowl! Also, large dogs with three or four legs should have their bowl raised. I might have to get one for Kenzie who will be a large dog..
Ok, I got mine. Just had to have it! Hopefully it will slow down how fast Kenzie eats. can’t wait to get it!
Oh awesome, I hope Kenzie likes it! Keep us posted!
I actually think this would be great for my large cat as a water bowl. He’s got kidney trouble and is fresh water obsessed so I change out his water every couple of hours. I might need to try this to make it easier on both of us! Is the stainless steel bowl part easy to remove?
Yes, the bowl is very easily removed from and placed in the holder.
Recent tripod pup Owner does anyone know when these balls will be in production again they look perfect or if they can recommend anything close to it? Much appreciation.
Looks like the Jovibowl has been discontinued