Summer is here and temperatures are soaring. Here’s how to keep your dog cool: The Swamp Cooler dog jacket by Ruffwear.
It sounds crazy, but this dog cooling jacket really works! Here’s how:
The Ruffwear Swamp Cooler’s light color is designed to reflect heat from the sun, and uses natural evaporative cooling to keep your Tripawd cool. Here’s a Ruffwear blog post that explains more about this evaporative cooling technology.
Just soak the Swamp Cooler in cold water, wring it out, and fasten around your dog. Evaporative cooling then exchanges the dog’s heat as water evaporates from the coat’s reservoir.
Combined with the evaporative cooling effect, the Swamp Cooler keeps dogs comfortable when temperatures rise.
Yes, you read that right: put a jacket on your dog to keep him cool during summer. But not just any jacket of course, you want the Swamp Cooler by Ruffwear!
Order your Ruffwear Swamp Cooler here today!
Please remember that the Swamp Cooler is not to be used as a safety measure when leaving your dog unattended in a warm environment. Never, ever leave your dog alone in a car or outdoors without supervision in summer heat.